Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Sensory Soap Bag

Hello! My lord are you surprised? I'm actually blogging- 3 times and 2 weeks that's a record.
As you may know I have an energetic little 1 year old at home who is hard to catch the focus and attention of.
I figured I'd make him something that he couldn't take his eyes off of.
I'd seen sensory bags before so I decided to make one--
So here are the steps and how it turned out, enjoy!-

First off this is the list of stuff we used, feel free to use whatever your heart desires.

*Ziplock Bag
*Assorted Beads
*Gel Soap
*Pom Poms
*Foam Pieces
*Duct Tape

First, I gathered everything, Zavier (my son) played with every little thing I let him touch. I'm pretty sure shaking the bead jars was his favorite part.

After everything was gathered and shaking of fun noises had stop, I added a few droplets of paint in random areas of the Zip Lock bag.

(This was really tempting to squish around but I resisted and saved it for Zavier afterwards)
I then proceeded to let Zavier 'pick' out the bead and glitter he wanted to use, I added those, some foam pieces, some pom poms, and big beads
(He had finally noticed I was doing something interesting)
The next step was to add soap, I had some cheap Walmart brand soap I got when I was pregnant, that is too harsh on Zavier and I's skin, and my partner won't use it. It was kind of just sitting there and had a nice thick consistency so I used it. I poured about half the bottle into the bag and smooshed it around a bit so it covered the whole bag. LOOK AT THE BABY TOES.

I then made sure to rid of the air out of the bag and zip it tight. I covered all the angles in (owl because.) duct tape. The only part that is important is the part that covers the zip.
That's you finished product! Although I wasn't done yet. I let Zavier mix the colors together on the ground. I proceeded to tape the bag to a window so he could see through it.
(The duct tape leaves little residue on the windows and comes off easily with eucalyptus oil)
Zavier ended up really liking this, although he did get frustrated eventually when he couldn't take the pom pom out. It had his attention for a good bit of time and he keeps running back into his room and playing with it. I say it was successful.
Next time, I think I'll stick to bright colored paint, as it kind of turned purple brown, but that's not really an issue. If it stays on the window, most of it will sink to the bottom but then you can smoosh it back to the top.
He had fun moving the foam pieces and beads around, and I had fun playing with the soap gel with him
I recommend this for really any age!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Oil Pulling Day #6

GUYS! I didn't forget about you this time. This is me, actually following through on something I deemed important to myself and even REPORTING back on a blog no body probably reads, excellent. This is a step, guys.
So, I've been oiling pulling for 6 days now. 123456. 6 Days.
I'm LOVING it. Seriously, holy crap.
I'm going to share an embarrassing picture at the end, but heres the low down-
My morning breath is actually tolerable, seriously, that's a biggun.
I was waking up every morning congested, and VOILA--NO LONGER! I wake up with one little sniffle and I'm set.
My one cavity I have no longer hurts.
They feel SO CLEAN ALL THE TIME, even after I eat!
And the big one- I have a Vit deficiency so my teeth are always yellow, I can brush and floss 3 times a day and it won't matter, but THEY ARE GETTING WHITER. Nothing I've done has helped not even whitening strips but they are noticeably whiter.
Seriously, I can't wait to see the 1 month results, this is now a part of my routine.
I plot it in my mouth and whilst I pick up my room, make my bed, wash my face, get dressed and such, I swish it around, when it comes to brush my teeth I just spit it out, gargle with salt water brush and have clean pearly whites.
So here is the super embarrassing picture of my yellow teething getting whiter-

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Oil Pulling Day #1

Hey! I know I created this blog a ridiculous amount of time ago, wrote a few posts and forgot about it (like most of my life) but I've had so many things I've wanted to blog about lately, I figured I'd fire 'er back up!
I'll start with talking about oil pulling. I found it a bit ago while searching through the inter webs and it's been brought up a good amount of my facebook feed.
The main idea is you swish a tablespoon of vegetable based oil (In my case coconut oil as it's tastey and the most common) around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes, spit it out, rinse your mouth with warm salt water and brush and floss.
The health benefits are suppose to include-
*Healthier Skin
*Cleaner/Brighter Teeth
*Better smelling breath
*Healthier Gums
*May Help relieve headaches/hangovers
I started today April 10th- putting a glob of coconut oil in my mouth (that was the hardest part, the texture was pretty weird) once it melted I gently (you're going to be doing this for a while so don't be vigorous about it) swished it around my mouth for 15 minutes. It wasn't hard, the taste was pleasant (JUST DONT SWALLOW ANY OF IT) and I kind of forgot I was doing it while I checked my emails and went about my morning routine. Spit er out in the garbage (It can solidify back in the sink drain) swished with salt water, and brushed my teeth.
I already notice they are a tad whiter and they feel ridiculously clean. My mouth feels/tastes nice as well.
I'll absolutely be continuing this and updating you guys on how it's going. The only issue I found was my 1 year old wanted me to read him a book while I was doing it and well, that was kind of impossible, so I kinda just danced around with the book on my face- hey it worked.